Welcome to Hillbilly Laser

April 27, 2020 1 Comment

Welcome to Hillbilly Laser

Introducing Hillbilly Laser 
(ie. phase one of teeemwrk LLC)

If you caught my previous blog post, I explained my business vision and how exactly teeemwrk came about [ if you missed that, check it out here ]. With the birth of teeemwrk, I had a very clear vision of HOW I want my business to look, from a culture and vibe point of view – I didn’t have a clear vision of what products/services teeemwrk would offer. I still don’t, not 100% anyway. But I knew I had to get stepping in the right direction, this is where Hillbilly Laser (teeemwrk LLC / DBA Hillbilly Laser) comes into action.

I would consider myself a pretty competent person. I have a wide range of strengths and abilities – I am a quick and creative designer, yet I have a high aptitude for the technical side of things too. I can see a photo of something and break it down to understand how it needs to be designed and layered to give the same effect. I am resourceful and very good at googling my way to understanding and finding answers to the unknown questions.

Anyone else addicted to Pinterest? I can spend an hour just scrolling and looking at all the pretty, creative things. Sometimes I get sidetracked on recipes, other times hair styles (still trying to find a ‘signature look’ for me), but most of the time, I get stuck on signs…. Wooden, hand crafted signs. The kind you’d see at the farmers market or craft shop or wedding boutique. The ones with the pretty scripty fonts. And I think to myself, heck, I can do that!

And you know what?? I CAN DO THAT! And I am DOING that!

I did what every questionably sane person would do…. I bought a laser machine. His name is Felix – Felix the Helix – and he is amazing! I am awed by the things that can get done by a laser machine alone. Often times I get mesmerized and just watch it work – the swooshing back and forth of the gantry. The precision of the cuts. The way it flows around the bed just doing what it’s supposed to… Tom is convinced that I love Felix more than him (I don’t).

I have been playing around with all sorts of products. Slate coasters and cheese trays, cutting boards, the always popular tumblers, leather keyrings, and of course SIGNS! All those pretty signs with the fun fonts that tell a personal story or convey a whimsical lifestyle.

I officially launched and ‘in business’ as of May 2020. I invite you to join my mailing list to be the first to know when a new product is introduced or to stay up to date on everything going on.

Also, being a solopreneur, I can get caught in a bubble – please PLEASE reach out with questions and inquires that pop into your mind. Often when working solo, I know what I know and I assume that all of you also know what I know – but you know what? That is hardly ever the case. So, please, ask away so I can learn to address questions and issues and build this site into something amazing.

What do you want to know? What kind of stories and features do you want highlighted here on the blog?

~ xo, Lana 

1 Response


September 14, 2021

I love, love, love everything u have written about on your page! Hillbilly, love it! It makes me wonder if your from Erhard? I have always wanted to start an antique shop! I have 3 – 55’ semi trailers full! But unlike u I have had no support. I have been in recovery for two years on may 10 I have been clean! I love your sense of humor and how u write and i just appreciate what u had to say! I cant wait to read more!I also reupholster furniture, do car interiors and make boat tarps, repurpose things! I cant wait to get to know u! I really like your concept of teamwork! Congratulations & I hope your blessed with everything u have dreamed about! Your friend Kelly

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