My Midlife Crisis

April 27, 2021

My Midlife Crisis

Do you ever look at society and think that we are all just hamsters on a wheel?

My friend posted something on social the other day. It was a simple hand-drawn pie chart.... a comparison of measuring success and it hit home to me - soooo much!


We are taught to "chase the title" "get the corner office" "make the most money" "get to the top". Um.... okay.... the top of what? How will I know when I'm there? Is there a sign? Balloons dropping from the sky? A party? A Cake?

During all this title chasing and money making and corner office decorating, did anyone ask me how I was doing?

I left my job in April of 2019. Just after I turned 40, so I think a lot of people thought I was entering into a mid-life crisis phase. That year, I know I would have easily crossed 6 figures. The company paid very well and I technically had a leadership title - so according to pie chart 1, I was "living the dream".

But under the surface, I was miserable. At that time, it wasn't in my daily routine and habits to put me as a priority. I spent so much energy and time to go further and make more and try to prove my worth. What did it get me? Nothing other than heartburn and stress headaches. So, I quit. Was it a wake up and quit my job that day decision - um, NO! I'm not foolish.

It took me a bit of self reflection and courage recognize that I don't like where I'm heading and I am in the drivers seat to do something about it. I sold my car. I saved my money. I surrounded myself with confident mentors and leaders with solid advice. I believed in myself. This is the best thing that I ever did for myself... so much growth and trust comes when you get uncomfortable. You can't help someone if your cup is empty.... so take care of yourself first! There's a reason the pilots say to put your own oxygen mask on first. 

Something that I feel very strongly about is self care and living a meaningful (to you), happy life. Keeping your mental sanity in check. Making sure you fill your time with what YOU want to do and need to do to live YOUR best life. Fill your cup!

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